Sunday, January 23, 2011

November (Gingerbread houses)

So, it turns out, the only thing in November I found interesting enough to take pictures of were gingerbread houses.  So, that's all you get.  Here are the two annual gingerbread houses we made this year.  The first one is the one we made to give to Grandma Whittier.
 Such a festive scene.
Why does the man behind the door have a grenade!
 What a beautiful design Tyson made (my main contribution).
Oh no! They're coming though the windows!
Sniper on the roof!  

Thanks to all of our armed forces (especially Chuck).

And here's the gingerbread house we made to live at our house:

 If you try really hard, you may be able to find one or two references to Disney and Mickey Mouse.
 These are the Mickey hands I made to come out of the chimney (my only contribution to this one).

The Mickeys became a bit of a game of oneupmanship between Angel and her sister Wendy.  I think Angel won.

They made it through the holidays mostly intact although Lincoln did manage to sneak a few Dots... from both of them.


Lost Woman said...

Those are some ornate houses. Wow.

Where does one acquire gummy army men anyway?

Very fun.

hectorscout said...

We got the army men at a candy shop in Oregon last summer just for this purpose.

crazy lady said...

How did I not see this post?
I'm SO glad you got photos of the army house. I "thought" I had photos of it and let the girls have free rein with the candy from the roof just before they left, content with the fact that I had photos.
But no. Nary a one.
Anyway. I have LOVED the house. I smile every time I see the army man going in, and coming out.
Thanks for making it a special part of the holidays for me.
LOVE you All!