Sunday, July 17, 2011

Summer Rain

Living in Utah I hear people talk about droughts and pray for rain a lot.  I think those people have a tendency to forget that we live in a desert. As such, it really doesn't rain much (we get plenty more snow than I would like but that's a whole different rant).  So, when it's warm outside and it starts to rain you can usually count on it doing so lightly for about 30 seconds to a minute.  You gotta take advantage of that rare warm summer rain.
This particular time it happened to not stop after 30-60 seconds but instead decided to intensify and dump hard with some nice thunder and lightning for a good long time. It was a good one to take advantage of.
We had already been out there for awhile running that circle when the video starts. Apparently a few of our neighbors saw us and, luckily, took it as a sign of good parenting instead of calling social services on us (I've got them fooled).

Rockin' Out

A little while ago Lincoln received a gift from his Grandpa Bob (Lincoln got his middle name from him too).  He's been playing with it quite a bit so we thought we'd post a couple videos from when Grandma first brought it to him.
He knew exactly what to do with it but he did have a little bit of trouble figuring out the most efficient way to mount the beast.
He kept getting on and off this way for about five minutes.  

Grandpa also sent along a cool wooden duck that Lincoln likes to pull around behind him and a tic-tac-toe game. Lincoln like to strategically place the circle pieces around the house (random is a strategy).  
Thanks to Grandpa for the great stuff and  the great example of charity and love in our lives.  We love you Grandpa!