Thursday, January 29, 2009

Meet Lincoln

We've finally taken some pictures so I guess we can write a post. I don't know if it's because he's mine or because he was past due but I think he skipped the new born phase and went straight to the cute phase (if you disagree keep it to yourself...). He was born 27-Jan-09 at 11:36PM. He was 8lbs 4oz (they said 3oz originally but changed it) and 20" long (that number may be a little conservative as well). He seems to be healthy in every way, already getting top marks on all his tests.

Lincoln is just meeting mom for the first time but, he's more concerned with his fingers...

Check out the awesome Spock toes on his massive feet. Angel's current favorite possession is the footprints pages they made for us in the nursery. It's like his first art project sent home with him and if his feet had been much bigger they would have needed bigger boxes...

This is him just before his first bathing during which he cried more than when they gave him a shot for his immunization. The exact opposite reactions his mother would have given...

This is the hat Aunt Kelsey made for him. Later I'll post some pictures of the amazingly awesome quilt she made for him too. I'm thinking about commissioning some bumper pads (I say commission because that's what you do when you want a good piece or art made and that's what Kelsey makes).

I don't want to go too much into the labor. Angel started having contractions at about 4:00 in the morning. We went to the hospital at about 3:00 in the after noon. Intense back pain, epidurals are worth whatever they charge, pretty quick dilation, followed by lots of pushing. Angel hadn't eaten more than a roll and three bites of pizza all day. This made it really hard for her to have the strength for about 2 and a half hours of pushing. She was a trooper though and eventually, with a little help from a vacuum pump we got Lincoln out at about 11:30pm.

Mom and baby are both doing really well. We came home this afternoon and everybody is happy to be home.

Monday, January 26, 2009

No news is not necessarily good news...

First off, this isn't really bad news per say, at least it isn't really, really bad news. But if you ask Angel, it's really bad news. If anyone is wondering why you haven't heard anything about our baby being born even though his due date was last Friday, it's because he still isn't here... Everyone says everything is looking good and he looks great and Angel seems all ready to go into labor and yet... he waits. By the way, in case you only get news about us through this blog, he's a boy. If all else fails the hospital will let the doctors induce her on Friday so as long as everything goes to plan he should be here sometime between now and Friday. We'll keep you updated (but probably not before he's born...we're kind of like that).