Sunday, January 31, 2010

It's Lincoln Day!!!!

Lincoln's first birthday was this last Wednesday. It's kind of hard to believe that's it's really been a whole years since we had any semblance of control over our own lives. So, we spent a day letting Lincoln boss us around, have whatever he wanted, and we pretended it wasn't just like every other day. In fact, it wasn't just like any other day... this day had cake.

Since I have lots of pictures and my limited amount of comedic energy was blown on the previous paragraph I'm going to "crowd-source" the humorous captions. I'll number the pictures and if you have something to contribute please leave your hillariousness in the comments with the corresponding number. Thank you.


These are actually from today but, it's a birthday outfit.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Memerizationation helpification

This is something I posted on my other blog but I thought since 0 people read my other blog and ~2 people read this blog it has a better chance of finding someone interested over here.

I was recently asked if I could make a simple program that when input a chunk of text would output the first letter of each word preserving punctuation. So, that's pretty much what this does. Although it sounds like a silly thing to do, it can be a helpful aid for memorizing blocks of text(This isn't working in Internet Explorer right now. Try it in Firefox. I'll fix it when I get a minute).

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lincoln found his "killer app"

For those of you who don't know, in the technology world there is this thing called a "killer app" (app=application). It is the application or use for a product that makes the product worth using. Without it, a product really can't become successful. For the desktop computer it was the spreadsheet. For the Internet it was email. People didn't use desktop computers or the Internet much until these applications showed up.

I'm pretty sure Lincoln has had the physical ability to walk for a couple of months now but he just recently discovered a "killer app" for walking: carrying two things around at the same time. As soon as he figured out that walking allowed him to do that he pretty much just started walking and is now strutting around like he owns the place.

He tends to pick two objects, two fridge magnets (usually two letters or Pinocchio and the Italian bunny), two pairs of socks (eventually two individual socks), a whisk and a spatula, any two random objects and then walk through the house holding them out, showing them to things. It's not clear if he's showing them to things or showing things to them. Either way there are lots of introductions going on at our house these days.

And I'll leave you with this picture of him in the tub on Christmas Day: