Sunday, September 12, 2010

I forgot these ones

These are a couple of pictures I meant to include with the section about Bear Lake but they got skipped over.
1. These are awesome.

2. They remind me of pictures of me when I was little

Lincoln's Summer Update (August)

In case you haven't noticed from other pictures of him, Lincoln has a very expressive face.
As a small example, here's a series of pictures taken in the span of about a minute, presented in the order they were taken:

^This one is my personal favorite.

I would caption those but I think they speak for themselves.
On her way down to visit her Granddaughters Grandma visited Lincoln too and we went to the dinosaur museum.
I know there are no dinosaurs in this picture.  Lincoln's favorite part was actually this little ramp with balls to throw down it (something about light waves?).  Lincoln enjoyed playing with the balls and we all enjoyed having Grandma around.  She's so upbeat all the time that even when we made her go be in the cave by herself (Lincoln had no interest in following) she was still smiling.

Sometime after Grandma's visit we had a little family reunion with Angel's family.
There was a parachute to play with.

And Lincoln got to play some kick ball.
There was some confusion about the kicking thing...

And which way to run...
Grandpa got him straightened out though.
They weren't really keeping score but...
With a strut into the sunset like that, I'm pretty sure Lincoln won.

Because he's nice and apparently didn't have anything better to do, Lee came over and took some family photos for us.  Here's some of them:

You can see a few more here.

Lincoln's Summer Update (July)

I know it's the same shirt as the end of June but it's actually a whole other month and state even.
At the beginning of July we made our way out the the Oregon coast for some R&R with the Whittier family.  On our way out we decided to break up our drive by spending a night at the Historic Balch Hotel in Dufur, OR.
I'm thinking from now on we're going to try to stay at independent bed and breakfasts whenever possible.  It was about the same price as other hotels in the area only way more interesting and it came free chocolate chip cookies (see Lincoln's face for details), a delicious three course breakfast, and some nice photo ops.

(Lincoln's fingers in this picture remind me of Jaron dancing to MC Hammer.  A lucky few will know what I'm talking about.)
Once we made it to the coast a couple of amazing things happened.  One, the weather was actually warm. Two, Lincoln actually got in the water and seemed to enjoy himself.

His parents didn't get in much farther than that, the water was still pretty cold.
We came home from Oregon, spent about a week resting from our resting and then headed off to Bear Lake so Angel could get some help from Lincoln's cousins to torture him.

Lincoln played at the park, rode the tube behind the boat, had no interest in playing in the water, ate junk, got spoiled, went for walks, and ...

planned dastardly criminal plots.

A few days after we got home from Bear Lake we celebrated a special event.  Lincoln has been alive for 18 months!

Angel made Lincoln some cupcakes.  The middle one is a dog. Lincoln likes dogs.  Here's a few more things about Lincoln from a list we made for his 18 month birthday:
Mr. Lincoln at 18 Months
Lincoln’s Vocabulary:
Chocolate (his first word in English and Chinese)
Car (his favorite)
Quack Quack
Ruff, Ruff
Choo, Choo
Want this
No, no, no
Walk (he loves going for walks in the stroller)
Roll (sweet rolls are his favorite)
Hot dog
“All done” (when the timer goes off from being in timeout)
“Ahh”(after he takes a drink)
Phrases He Knows How to Do:
“Daddy’s blue truck”
“Go find your shoes/pants”
“Put it in the garbage can”
“Go put your bottle in the sink”
“Put your clothes in the dirty clothes”
“We need to go bye bye in the car”
“Sit down first”
“Put your cars away”
“Fold your arms for prayer”
“Show me your hair, eyes, nose, tongue, ear, tummy”
“What does the fish say”
“Where’s your fish” (he looks at his tummy, if he’s wearing his fish shirt he opens the mouth)
“Beep your nose”
“It’s hot, blow on it”
“Come help mom move the sprinkler”
“Give kisses” (mostly just kissing noises)
“No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”
That’s Lincoln:

  • Afraid of anything to do with water (tubs, swimming) but likes to hold the hose to get everything else wet
  • Is a picky eater and has to approve everything that is put on his tray
  • Barks when he see Doug and Doc (from Pixar’s Cars) although he should bark at Ken instead because he always barks at him
  • Gets insanely excited when he watches the opening sequence of Cars—he especially likes the giggly twins and their high pitched squeals
  • Loves Opera music so much that he applauds at the end of the songs
  • Does not get out of bed easily
  • Is pretty proud of himself that he can climb up the playground and go down the slide all by himself, but is not so proud that he can’t walk up the slide all by himself
  • Isn’t happy playing with just one car, he has to pull out every car from the basket
  • He loves to eat dad’s otter pops and mom’s ice cream mostly because he likes to make a crazy brain freeze face
  • Likes to try on mom and dad’s shoes
  • Likes to type on the computer and move the mouse around, and of course he knows if the keyboard is not hooked up—mostly he just likes to push so many buttons that the Microsoft help puppy appears so he can say “dog”
  • Likes to make animal sounds but thinks that cows, sheep, and pigs all say “no, no, no” because of the “Moo, Baa, La La La” storybook
  • Is super confused why the owl doesn’t say “tweet, tweet” even though it’s normal that a duck says “quack, quack”
  • Thinks anything with wheels is a car, anything with four legs is a dog, and anything with a beak is a bird
  • Doesn’t feel the need to wave bye until the person is completely out of sight
  • Thinks anyone who rides by on a bike is his dad, except for any cute girl then he just waves and shouts, “Hi!”
  • Only likes to give loves when he’s hurt, sick, or really tired--although he’ll give an air kiss anytime
  • Doesn’t feel the need to wave bye until the person is completely our of sight
  • His favorite thing to wear is his tye-dyed fishy shirt
  • The only door he knows how to open is Grandma’s pantry where she conveniently places the OREOS on the bottom shelf
  • Likes to point out ceiling fans to anyone who enters the room
  • Holds up his food in a cheers to you position before taking a bite
  • When asked “who has a cute mom?” he raises his hand
  • Head bangs his head into the floor when he doesn’t get what he wants

Your mom and dad love everything about you!! Happy 18 months buddy!!

Lincoln's Summer Update (June)

As summer is coming to an end Lincoln calmly reminded me that we haven't updated the blog lately.
He thought a summer recap was in order. So, I guess we'll do that.

Over the summer we've taken on a few projects around the house that I don't have pictures of.  But here's Lincoln in his temporary sleeping arraignments in the office while we replaced the baseboards, painted, and redecorated his room.
We enjoyed the fire pit in our back yard to roast up some hot dogs and marshmallows.

Lincoln couldn't be bothered to wait for his hot dog to actually get cooked so he ate it slightly warmed on the outside.

He was ok to wait for the marshmallow to cook though because it's easier to get them all over your face when they're melted.