Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This week's Lincoln Park day...

Last week's sandwiches in the park day turned into sandwiches in the basement day because it was too windy outside.

That was better than this week though.

This has been Lincoln since Sunday evening. He's a miserable, sick little buddy. He's been running a fever between 99 and 101 for two days now. Hopefully he pulls out of it soon. It's sad :(

Lincoln Park

Angel has declared Mondays to be sandwiches in the park day. We figured it would be fun to take Lincoln to play on the toys and swing on the swings. We were right about the playing on the toys part. It turns out that the only park around us with swings is the closest park to us (which is good), but is also on the corner of two busy streets (which is bad), and is also built on top of a pioneer cemetery (which is creepy). We didn't go there. We went somewhere else.

It was fine though because Lincoln likes slides...

and making a break for it...

and rock climbing (gotta start 'em young)...

and smiling...

and throwing things up the slide (you can't see it so, use your imagination)...

and his beautiful mom...

and giving shout outs...

and chillin with his dawgs (and by "his dawgs" I mean "some random dog at the park")...

but he doesn't like it when the dog doesn't try to catch his frisbee throw (in the dogs defense it didn't exactly stay in the air very long)...

March Pics (clever title, I know)

Hey Howdy Hey!!!

Well, March is gone rather quickly but it wouldn't quite be complete without a picture of me in spandex.

If you're in the know then you call them biking shorts or something similar. I have now officially spent enough money to look like I'm in the know. I've taken the bike out on a couple of rides and even though it's working muscles I haven't used in a while it's a lot more fun than running (though much higher initial investment).

Which brings me to my next point: don't smoke crack.

I'm really not sure what to say.

Lincoln is obsessed with looking sharp when he goes to church. One tie just isn't enough sharpness.

Even in green and purple pastels, like the sharpest of cheddars.

Also, Lincoln is a thug.