Monday, November 21, 2005

I guess this image is appropriate.

Well, thanksgiving is almost upon us again. This is one of the silliest holidays there is. It's actually only cool if you really like eating turkey and watching football. Turkey is ok. I'm not much of a foosball fan. But, it does get me out of three days of school. As I write this I get less and less motivated by the fact that no one cares or will read this. But at least.....ok I can't think of anything.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Lawn update

Just so you know, I still haven't actually heard anyone ridiculed for walking on the grass. However, what they have done is put up big plastic chain gates up on all the places where it's convenient to walk. That's just unsightly and inconvenient for the local pedestrians. I'm sure there will be an uprising in the near future.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I'm not sure what they're looking at but man, that's a cool mustachio.

So, just so everyone knows, I spend pretty much all of my time doing homework. I'm not really sure what the deal is. If you have ever hated me for not ever having to do homework, study, or take notes or anything like that and still getting good grades you're somewhat justified. It would seem as though it's catching up to me. However, it actually only seems that way. In reality I still don't study or take notes. I just seem to have a bunch of classes that require a lot of homework. So, I guess you can just go on hating me. It doesn't really affect me one way or the other anyway. Right now I should actually be preparing for an oral presentation for my mandarin class tomorrow. That's not really that much fun though. I don't seem to get enough time to waste writing stuff on here. And if you've read though all that you get to hear about the most exciting thing to happen this week. Yesterday I called up the SLC temple and reserved a sealing room for the 10th of March at 9:00am. So, even though I haven't actually asked anyone to marry me hypothetically if I did then we would get married on the 10th of March at 9:00am in the Salt Lake City temple. So, we'll see if anyone's dad will allow them to marry me.

Monday, September 19, 2005

You wish I had a point.

So, pretty much if there are any comments on this blog from anyone is isn't immediate family or close friend I already know they're trying to get me to do something. Then if it says "I like your blog." that's a total give away. No you don't. There's nothing cool on this thing. The only possible thing you could like about it is that it gives you somewhere to put a link to your crappy whatever. YOU DON'T KNOW ME! I've been meaning to yell that at people more often. Because, you know...they don't.

p.s. I've decided to always include a random picture from the byu website.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

This is a lot cooler than linear algebra.

Yes, the school year is upon us. No, no one has yelled at me for walking on the grass yet. I have seen about 20 people or so from my mission around campus. Unfortunately, most of them have been people I didn't really serve with or didn't really care to catch up with. So, I just tend to pretend not to notice them and wander past. It's worked pretty well for me thus far. I did go to the temple last night with three others from my mission. Other than waiting in the chapel for about an hour before the session started, it was pretty good. It's hard to get irritated in the temple but I was getting pretty close. Yeah so, this picture is just because I wanted to put a picture in this entry and it was readily available on the BYU home page. Apparently he's the new humanities dean, slightly pixelated.

Monday, August 22, 2005

I never wanted to go to BYU..... I still don't.

So, Today I went and purchased a couple of excesively expensive books from the BYU bookstore and then wandered the campus locating my classrooms. I'm trying to have an optimistic attitude toward the whole BYU thing. I must say though, classes haven't even started yet and I'm already getting tired of being around all these mormons. It kind of makes me want to drive around campus blarring system of a down from my stereo. Luckily, I already have a girlfriend. If everything works out there I won't even have to try to meet anyone during my three year stay. I can just wander the campus listening to my headphones and just being generally anti-social. That way I won't have to listen to people giving me crap for walking on the grass either. Screw you for judgin' me!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The man behind the myth

I'm not really sure if there really is a myth or not. If there is then I'm just as likely to be behind it than anyone else, right?