Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Santa's Lap

We thought we would be good parents and take Linc to sit on Santa's lap. Even though there was no huge mounted throne with a winding slide going down, or even any weirdo kids with adventure goggles plastered to their face, it was still quite the outing. There was of course, fear and screaming kids, we're just fortunate that our kid wasn't one of them. He was instead, the "oh see, look at that cute little baby, he's not crying" kid. (In all honesty I'm not sure why Linc wasn't screaming because while waiting in line we almost got pinned by a jolly spinning kiddie train.) I'm not complaining our kid is awesome; he waited patiently in line, sat on Santa's lap, and even let us take a picture. I'm not sure he really cared, but we felt like much more dutiful parents after the whole ordeal.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Goofy Hat Club

Anyone who knows Tyson knows that he's a fan of goofy hats, and he decided to resurrect some oldies but goodies. He is also trying his darndest to convince Linc to join his goofy hat club and well..he still needs more convincing.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

I was so close...

Apparently the old farm house was on a bit of a hill. It also had a detached garage/shed/cow milking...place. This building was built into the side of the hill and had two levels so that the top level opened directly onto a higher part of the hill and the lower level to a lower part of the hill (next to an orchard, or maybe just an apple tree or something). I really only have one memory of being in the lower part where I understand they milked the cows (I have to say, the fact that cows were milked in there is something that is in my mind and I have no idea how it got there. Basically, I may very well have made it up but it does make the story cooler somehow, as opposed to my explanation just now...). It's understandable why I would remember this particular time in the milking shed. Why, you ask. Because when I was in there I found these:

Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "that just looks like an ab roller exerciser thing and a gear." Well, to the untrained eye, yes. But, first of all, I'll have you know that there may have actually been two more wheels (but definitely not three because I know it added up to less than four) and possibly more than one gear, my memory on those details is a bit sketchy. Second of all, any kid can tell you that when you have a couple of wheels and some gears you've got about 90 percent of sweet GO-CART! The excitement of the possibility of tearing around the yard/neighborhood/city/world with reckless abandon, leaving everyone in the dust, and never having to walk again got my mind to racing (no pun intended (seriously, I didn't even notice until I read over it again)). All I needed was the last 10 percent:

  • another wheel (I remember needing at least one more wheel, that's why I know I had less than four)

  • a steering wheel

  • maybe some sort of frame

  • the rest of the engine (already got the gear part so I don't need to worry about that)
  • ... that's about it.

Unfortunately, I guess I just didn't quite have the resources to push through that last 10 percent or, it was taking longer than my four minute attention span. Too bad though, that go-cart probably could have put me down the path to a rally car racer by now...dang it!