Friday, March 30, 2007

Kelsey is my hero!

Kelsey's new blog has inpired me to put off my homework (creating a web application to manage printer supply orders across campus) and add a post to my much neglected blog. If you'll notice, I have also added a link to her blog off to the left of your screen. Feel free to nagivate there before reading the rest of this if you want to. I'll understand. She's a lot more interesting than I am. I think she also puts stuff on her blog. I don't do that much. Her pictures are actually from things in her life too. Mine tend to be random stuff I pull off the internet after searching for all of 30 seconds. Hold on, let me go find one.
Alright, there you go. I didn't even get that one off the byu home page like all the other ones, I googled it. Those are the efforts I'm willing to go to for this blog, pretty much none.
Anyway, Kelsey is my hero. She does things and gets through things that are pretty impressive. I don't always envy her position but I do think she is one of the strongest most able, competent, smart, creative, and all around wonderful people I've ever known. I do envy a lot of the traits and qualities she displays. The only other person that come to mind we most of these same traits is our mother (my other hero). Kelsey doesn't always do things the easy way but she does try to pursue what she wants. I think she's doing just fine and I love her.