Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Memerizationation helpification

This is something I posted on my other blog but I thought since 0 people read my other blog and ~2 people read this blog it has a better chance of finding someone interested over here.

I was recently asked if I could make a simple program that when input a chunk of text would output the first letter of each word preserving punctuation. So, that's pretty much what this does. Although it sounds like a silly thing to do, it can be a helpful aid for memorizing blocks of text(This isn't working in Internet Explorer right now. Try it in Firefox. I'll fix it when I get a minute).


crazy lady said...

Zoicks! That's a crazy little dealio. I just typed in a paragraph from an art textbook and it spit out the "letras" in flash. Where was this back in the day when I had a memory and could actually memorize stuff?
You clever beastie you!!!

michandler said...

I guess I didn't do it right cuz it didn't do anything when I hit the convert button. Probably is pretty cool though. Tucker could probably use this kind of help.

hectorscout said...

hmmm, looks like it doesn't work in Internet Explorer. I'll have to take a look at that... In the mean time, it still works fine in Firefox. Stupid browser compatibility.

Lost Woman said...

I got it to work... but am too slow to understand the useful application.

(I don't consider IMing or texting useful in my life... is that what it is for?)