Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Historical Travel Wiki Has Launched

I created and launched a new website this week that shall soon be taking the world by storm. Probably not, but hopefully it will get me a good grade in my history of creativity project. The site is at www.historicaltravelwiki.com. It's a wiki, if you don't know what that is, think wikipedia. Anyone can log on and edit the content. It's a collaborative project with the whole world.

This particular wiki is devoted to the idea that traveling and seeing the world is more fun and more interesting when you know some history and facts about what you are visiting and seeing. Before this next Monday the 14th (when the project is due) I'll be filling out some demo type pages, probably for places in Utah and Hong Kong. If you have anything to contribute about any place you've been I'd encourage you to get on and share your experiences and expertise.

P.s. Mom, if you wanted to design me a better logo that was about 135x135 pixels I wouldn't reject it. But definitely don't spend much time on it (or any if you're busy or just don't want to) as I don't think I'll be doing much with this site in the future.


Kelsey said...

I wanted to edit the first sentence in wiki travel because it should have question mark at the end, but I can't figure out how to edit that.

hectorscout said...

Thanks Kelsey. for that part there's an edit tab kind of thing up at the top that's for editing the entire page. I fixed the question mark thing though.

Lost Woman said...

Hey I would participate but you are missing major parts of the globe!


I wanted to do New Zealand, but she aint there!

hectorscout said...

I actually thought about islands as I was putting stuff in there but then I forgot. It was like 1AM. You can add the pages. You have to figure out how to do it though....

Lost Woman said...

Oh, yeah thats gonna happen.
Have you forgotten to whom you are speaking?
If it doesn't come with step by step pictures (which is why I like macs) I can't do it.

heavy sigh. Think of all those people who don't have a place on your site.
Cubans, Tahitians, Puerto Ricans, Korean, Indonesians, New Zealanders, Icelanders, Greenlanders, Madagascans.......I could go on but I'm tearing up.