Saturday, July 12, 2008

Finally, some news

So, we haven't posted anything on here in quite some time. But, really not a whole lot has happened. Sure, school got out and summer started, which means Angel finished her first year of teaching and she graduated from college. I still have one year left, boo. We went to a Ben Fold concert, we hiked up to Timpanogos cave, I'm still working at the job two posts ago but now I know what I'm doing.

Anyways, Angel has been interviewing for various positions over the summer trying to find somewhere worthy of her talents an abilities. She had an interview at a charter school in Lehi on July 2nd (they made her teach some kids for 15 minutes). Then on July 3rd while we were in Boise on our way to Oregon they made her an offer to think over for the weekend. So, for the 4th of July weekend we hung out on the Oregon coast.

This is the view from our hotel room (Thank you Gramma and Grandpa Whittier!!)

We went to the aquarium, where I poked a giant squid in the eye

and we felt totally underdressed when we caught a glimpse of proper aquarium attending attire.

Then we went back to the hotel and reenacted Pirate of the Caribbean (which we had watched on the way up out there in the Uncle Rico van. Thanks Mom, and Chuck)

Eventually, the Oregon fun had to end and we made the incredibly long drive home. We left early Monday morning and reached home at about 2:00AM Tuesday morning. I was glad I told my work I wouldn't be in until about noon. We got up in the morning and Angel called the Charter school back and accepted their offer, HOORAY!

Right after Angel got off the phone with the school we got in the car for the real reason I told my work I wasn't going to be in until noon. We had an appointment for a photo shoot.

We decided to go with the black and white for a more classic look.

You thought the trip and the job were the big news didn't you? Ha, ha, gotcha...

It's not super clear (the kid's only 4.67cm tall after all) but, you should be able to make out the head. In video mode you could see the heart beating, some feet, and an arm. Angel is about 12 weeks along and her due date is 23-Jan-09. We're pretty excited. Good thing I didn't really stab her with that pirate sword huh?

That's all the new we have for now. Check back in a couple of months...


Beka said...

hey, its sister taylor (now just beka)!...Angel's mom, i dont know if she blogs at all but she sent me this link to your blog! Congrats to you guys! I'm excited! My boys were born on the 20th of Jan..super close to your baby's due date...keep posting lots of pics and stuff!

Zann said...

Congratulations guys, that's so cool! Head on over to our blog to see some pictures of our little bundle-of-joy-to-be if you wish!

crazy lady said...

The long wait was worth all the good news and pics! It was fun traveling in the Chuckwagon with you two (well, except for the nausea part for Angel). Sure glad you guys could come. Even gladder that Angel got the job thing all figured out. But, best of all... BABY! :0)

michandler said...

Great build up there for the really big news! Congrats to you and Angel so very exciting for you both! Sounds like the Chuckwagon trip was alot of fun for all. I'm surprised that Ty doesn't actually have proper acquarium attire in his DI wardrobe ;-)

Lost Woman said...

Hope all goes well. You know how to stretch out the info don't you!

Kelsey said...

Oh, I didn't realize I hadn't left a comment. First of all, that was a pretty sweet post with the lobster pants and everything. And most importantly, congratulations! I hope you have a girl so my girls can have some girl cousins (and maybe I could unload some baby clothes on you, too).

Diann THE Chief Mommio said...

Hello Tyson and Angel.
Congratulations -- big news, new job and then a new baby and graduation in 2009! Loved your intro and the black and white photo.

We enjoyed seeing you in Oregon. Best wishes ...if you get to cold in Utah this winter come see us in Arizona, hey its only 750 miles!