Friday, January 04, 2008

Best New Years Ever!!!

So, we may have lost most of Christmas Day to leaving Christmas morning and the International Date Line and everything but we made up for it a little bit with New Years. For anybody who doesn't know we were here for the last week or 8 days: For those who don't recognize the picture, that's Hong Kong. I'll see if I get time to post more about the rest of the trip later but after reading my Mom and Kelsey's blogs about their awesome New Years' I thought I would share a bit about ours. I think it has a bit of a different tone than theirs though. The morning of New Years Eve we got up early as usual due to the jet lag. We rode the subway out to Lantau Island to a special subway line. Can you figure out from these pictures where the train went?
If not then you probably just don't know the destination exists. Or you don't know Angel well enough to know that there's only one thing that makes her that excited. Here's a little bigger hint: That's right, the train goes to a big sign with Angel standing in front of it. Oh ya, and Disneyland is behind the sign and to the right. We got there right when the gates opened at 10:00 and figured we would check it all out and leave in the middle of the day for a while and then come back at night for the New Years festivities because the park is so small. But we actually spent the large majority of the day in the park. We watched a couple of the shows and checked out most of the rides. Took this extremely Hong Kong style picture in front of the castle: If you combine these two pictures you get a pretty good idea of what the castle looked like when they lit it up at night.
The big square in the middle was a big screen. They set up a few of them around that area so they could show pictures of a pontiac muscle car and other stuff bouncing around and spinning with neat effects in the background while they played techno music for the New Years dance party. Obviously totally necessary but, not the best placement. Then here's us on Main Street and I believe the countdown started right when this picture was taken. You'll just have to imagine the castle in the background since you don't see it with the flash and you don't see us without it. Then the countdown , the kiss, and sitting around waiting for the hordes of people to clear out of the park and the area around our hotel where the rest of Hong Kong was. We got back to our room at about 2:00am. It was mostly cleared out by then. Overall, the best and most memorable New Years to date. If it's any consolation to Mom or Kelsey we were about 17 hours ahead of you so at least we weren't really having fun at the exact same time you were having your New Years "parties." I'm sure that helps.


Kelsey said...

Well I'm sure happy to hear that someone had a good new years. Sounds like it was a lot of fun. I'm really glad you two got to go to Hong Kong. How knows when you'll have the opportunity again.

crazy lady said...

Wow! It's going to be pretty hard to beat that in the future! Those pic are fantastic! I love the Mickey window and handhold:0) Angel looks pretty darn happy about the whole deal and why not!?! What a fun day! I'm SO glad you got the chance to go. Sounds like other than the extended time it took you to get home the trip was a smashing success. And you got some cool Hong Kong style photos with the obligatory peace sign flash. Oh yeah! Wonderful post! Thanks.

oscar said...

How fun!! Angel really does look so excited. Her hair looks really cute the way she has it colored. Since I never see you guys it may be new or not...either way it is cute. I am so glad you took this trip. K is right who knows when you would get the chance again. I liked this post and how you made us guess where you were going. Very cool.

Zann said...

Looks like you guys had a great time. This is Elder Anderson from Cheung Sha Wan (only I'm called Zann now) and I quite enjoy y'all's blog. I also have a blog, but I don't post very often. You can go and see it though, I'm hoping your very presence will help it to be cooler.

Lost Woman said...

That is a memorable one! I didn't know Angel was a Disnophile.
Does this mean you will need to travel to all the Disneys in each country? Could become a New Years habit.

michandler said...

How fun! I didn't know you guys were doing that. What a great thing to do while you're young and sans kids. You will always have that memory! I didn't realize there was a Disney park in Hong Kong. (I'm sure there are lots of things there I didn't know were there). How cool!