Sunday, July 17, 2011

Summer Rain

Living in Utah I hear people talk about droughts and pray for rain a lot.  I think those people have a tendency to forget that we live in a desert. As such, it really doesn't rain much (we get plenty more snow than I would like but that's a whole different rant).  So, when it's warm outside and it starts to rain you can usually count on it doing so lightly for about 30 seconds to a minute.  You gotta take advantage of that rare warm summer rain.
This particular time it happened to not stop after 30-60 seconds but instead decided to intensify and dump hard with some nice thunder and lightning for a good long time. It was a good one to take advantage of.
We had already been out there for awhile running that circle when the video starts. Apparently a few of our neighbors saw us and, luckily, took it as a sign of good parenting instead of calling social services on us (I've got them fooled).


Angela Cothran said...

Playing in the rain--one of the perfect joys in life.

michandler said...

I can remember playing in the rain in Utah many times. We don't generally play in the rain here that much because even though it happens often it usually isn't heavy. Fun times for Ty & Lincoln though!

crazy lady said...

Man that looks like fun! I love a nice warm rain like that.
BAH! Child protective services indeed.

Lost Woman said...

Oh I LOVE it when it pours like that and is warm enough to play in it.

Too fun.

Looks like you were having as much fun as Mr Lincoln.
