Sunday, March 20, 2011

The hardest part of writing a blog post is the beginning.  So, I'm not going to do that part...

BAM!!!  Bowling pins!
It was Lincoln's birthday and these are the cupcakes we made for him.  They were quite fun and I heard they were very good (I didn't actually eat one because I prefer not being diabetic).  The cupcakes went along with a bowling theme because we held Lincoln's birthday party at... a bowling pin factory!  ...I mean bowling alley!  Here's a picture to prove it:

See, you can tell it's a bowling alley because you can kind of see some blurry non-descript balls in the dark background of the picture.  Obviously a bowling alley.  We also have some mental pictures to commemorate the occasion.  (Note: you'll need to use you mind's eye to view these next few pictures (Some of those expensive home 3D glasses might work too but that's unverified)).

Here you see Lincoln pushing a ball down a little ramp thing towards the cowering pins.

Here's Lincoln's dad using all his manly muscles to hurl his ball at literally tens of miles per hour to destroy the poor defenseless pins' formation.

This is Lincoln's mom being thoroughly impressed with Lincoln's dad's bowling prowess and unmatched humility. The look on her face tells you that she is confident in the knowledge that the husband she chose has no equal.

If you asked me if we ever let Lincoln get up on the kitchen table I would say, "Absolutely not, that's not the kind of thing we tolerate at our house... at all... definitely not... and even if we did, we would at least make him take his shoes off.
Lincoln got a Buzz Lightyear Mr Potatohead...
I can't explain this picture any better than it explains itself.

Also, for any of you looking for comedy pointers, ramming a colorful sparkly thing in your mom's face is downright hilarious.

Lincoln also got a new bike for his birthday.
This is him pretending to ride it in the living room.

 This is him pretending to ride it in the backyard.

This is him grappling with the concepts of peddling and steering (I'm sure he'll get it one day).

Luckily for him though the weather is starting to turn and that means he can get back into his element.
Because staying inside all winter can cause you to go into withdrawals. You'll start seeing slides in everything including, but not limited to, couch cushions, stairs, dad, and the hallway (you kind of have to do your own sliding on that last one since it's flat).  When you're couped up inside though you have to deal with whatever playground equipment you can find:


Angela Cothran said...

LOVE the bowling pictures. I really felt like I was there!

Lost Woman said...

Love the "Ready.... Jump" clip.
How hilarious with his hands up at the end.
No waiting for him.

He looks like such a little man with his cute grin and haircut.

michandler said...

Totally love the last picture of the Mr. Potato Head sequence that "speaks for itself"! It does speak for itself. It almost looks like he has a halo. I wish I had a Buzz Lightyear Mr. Potato Head! Those bowling pin cupcakes are awesome too! What a cutie with his gymnastic hands in the air landings. He actually landed better with his hands in the air than when they were down at his sides. Funny.

crazy lady said...

Well that was totally fantastic!
You write the best captions. And the photos are pretty amazing with or without actual imagery....
That boy is a jumping machine!!!
That clip not only made me smile - I laughed out loud - several times.

I guess I'm gonna have to get him the Norma Jean jumping bean book now.
Thanks! That post made my day :0)

Drew and Alicia said...

What an awesome B-day! Way to go on the cupcakes!!