Monday, November 19, 2007

It's a pretty sweet how-to

So, I did it. I actually did something I said I would. There is a screencast (a video of my screen with me talking) showing how to set up google reader so you don't have to manually check blogs for new posts (or any site with an RSS feed for that matter). Check it out here.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

google reader

So, I'm planning on making a little screencast video thing when I get time to show how to set up google reader on igoogle. When I do I'll let you know. If you're feeling adventurous you can try to figure it out on your own. igoogle, google reader gadget. It's not too hard.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Sorry, last post today. I recently bought a web domain. It's I'm hosting it on my own webserver since I recently got a public ip. I'm also going to be hosting and developing a web site for my buddy Joe Harding and his business partner Ryan Blanscett's side ties business. So, you should go check those out... they're not that cool yet.

Another Jazz Game, Same Jacket

So, we went to Salt Lake, again. And we saw a Jazz game, again. And we met the president of the United States....Again. OK, maybe not that last part but I like Forest Gump. Anyway, we did get to go to another Jazz game. This time it was because Angel's sister Wendy and her husband Lee went in on season tickets with some other couples and this was one of the games they had four tickets for. It was the home season opener. They played the Rockets and even though they lost (Tracy McGrady scored like 48 points or something) it was still a fun, entertaining game. And this time I had advanced notice so I could get stuff done and didn't have to bring my laptop in to do homework during the game. The seats were better too. Good times.

These are phone pictures so they aren't quite as good but I think that's Yao Ming at the top of the key there. We saw a jazz dancer chick walk past him at one point and she came up to the waist on his shorts. It was humorous.

Kitty Kat Friend

This is Angel with our little kitty cat friend that shows up every so often in our backyard. He's super friendly and Angel likes him because he's still small. She claims she only likes 'em when they're small. I think if we got one small she would still at least kind of like him when he got bigger.