Monday, August 22, 2005

I never wanted to go to BYU..... I still don't.

So, Today I went and purchased a couple of excesively expensive books from the BYU bookstore and then wandered the campus locating my classrooms. I'm trying to have an optimistic attitude toward the whole BYU thing. I must say though, classes haven't even started yet and I'm already getting tired of being around all these mormons. It kind of makes me want to drive around campus blarring system of a down from my stereo. Luckily, I already have a girlfriend. If everything works out there I won't even have to try to meet anyone during my three year stay. I can just wander the campus listening to my headphones and just being generally anti-social. That way I won't have to listen to people giving me crap for walking on the grass either. Screw you for judgin' me!

1 comment:

oscar said...

Why can't you walk on the grass? I am totally confused! I am very happy that you have a girlfriend too- that way you don't have to deal with the fake dating scene. I think going to BYU would be hard. Some people forget you can be mormon and normal at the same time. Good luck with your classes.

your fav sis-in-law